Stretching Versus Mobility

Human movement is a finely tuned dance of muscle contractions and other tissue actions managed by the nervous system to create joint actions that get certain movement tasks accomplished.

As we age, a focus on mobility is essential for continued health in the tissues that support and hold us together as we strive to bend our own aging curves and keep doing all the tasks/actions we need for daily living and exploring our world.

Embrace Your Wobbles – Thoughts on Balance

Embracing the wobbles in terms of balance means learning to accept that losing our balance can be a learning opportunity. Our nervous system requires us to lose our balance in order to adjust and adapt. This is neuroplasticity at work…. neurons that fire together wire together. What if we played with our balance and did so with a neutral mindset not worrying about whether it was right or wrong, but just is? We might then have the opportunity to work with both the mental and physical wobbles.

How We Develop our Squat

Squatting is a full body movement, allowing us to function in the world around us. Without the ability to squat, it becomes difficult and/or impossible to lower ourselves towards the earth, to sit, to toilet, and to get back up again. 

Squatting is a motor skill. Motor skills involve precise movement of muscles with an intent to perform a specific act.  The precise movements for squatting are developed through a series of movement components we begin practicing in infancy.

Teaching yoga and movement classes gives us the perfect opportunity to explore the components that actually combine to make a squat.